
Every day, you see people making decisions - some good and some bad. Sometimes, the "bad" decisions can end up being a blessing in someone else's life. For example, say a girl gets pregnant and doesn't wanna be pregnant, but she doesn't want to abort the baby. So, she puts the baby up for adoption and gives the child to a family that can't have their own kids or just wants to help people out. But other times, people make stupid decisions. At CIU, we have standards which means rules we have to abide by. We sign a piece of paper saying that we agree to follow these rules during our time at CIU, the only time we aren't on these standards are over Christmas break and summer time. 

I'll admit, when I first came to CIU, I struggled with some of these standards but after a while I realized that if I didn't want to follow these standards, I needed to go to a different school but CIU is where God called me so I'm going to follow the rules.
When you intentionally break the rules just to break them, I think it's fair to say that you may need to take a step back, remember/question why you're here and make a decision from there. I also understand that people make dumb choices, ask for forgiveness, and move on and never do it again.
Now, I probably sound like a standards Nazi, I'm not, I just think it's important to know what you're signing up for before you commit to it. This doesn't go just for CIU but for any school or place with standards you have to agree to. 
I just find it super frustrating when people go crazy breaking the standards and don't take stuff seriously, if you feel like that's where God called you to be, you need to be taking it seriously instead of messing around. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
So, if you're having trouble following standards/rules or even finishing school work, take a few moments to sit back and really think about why you are where you are and how you're doing. Are you just "getting by" or are you doing everything you can to glorify God?
Just something to think about.
In Christ,
Damaris Brce


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