Finishing Well


It’s hard to believe there are only three weeks left in the semester.  Sometimes it feels like the semester just started; other times it feels like it’s been going on forever.  Either way, in just 15 weekdays Fall 2011 will be behind us and Christmas break will provide us with an opportunity to recover before starting again in the spring.

Thanksgiving was a refreshing break for me as I enjoyed sleeping in, relaxing with family (see photo above!) and friends, and extended time to work on important, but non-school-related activities.  Having a week off gave me the rest and energy I needed in order to finish the semester well.

As I think about finishing well, Hebrews 12:1-3 comes to mind.  Obviously these verses aren’t referring to finishing a semester; rather they are dealing with “running the race” – the Christian life as a whole, and certainly school, relationships, jobs, and entertainment fall into that category.

The writer encourages us to focus our gaze and our thoughts – our eyes and our mind – on Jesus (12:2-3).  Looking toward the finish line and being mindful of Jesus’ work enable us not to barely make it, but to “run with perseverance.”

Instead of growing weary and losing heart, as we “fix our eyes on Jesus” and “consider” all that He endured, we will certainly be motivated to finish well – not just the semester, but the whole race.

-Abbey Le Roy


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