On His Throne

A guest speaker from Black Forest Academy in Germany came to one of my classes a few semesters ago.  Unfortunately, I can’t remember much of what she shared, but I do recall one of her stories.

One of the kindergarten classes at Black Forest has a special routine each morning – they begin their day by reciting the date, followed by a powerful affirmation of God’s sovereignty.  Not only do they state it once, but twice daily in both German and English.  Here’s how it would have sounded this morning (the English version, of course!):

It’s Friday, November 11, and God is still on His throne.

I have something to learn from those kindergarten students.  What a way to begin each day!  I wonder how different my days would be if I began them by declaring the truth that God is in control.

He is on His throne today.

-Abbey Le Roy


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