A Quick Getaway


Thanksgiving break comes at a much-needed time in the semester.  Fall break has come and gone quickly, and students who have pushed through week after week of tests, projects, and papers finally get another chance to catch their breath.

Family time, delicious food, and an opportunity to rest all contribute to energizing us for the last few weeks of the semester.  While there’s not much time left in the semester, lots of work remains yet to be finished.

My husband and I started off our break by taking a quick weekend trip to St. Augustine, Florida.  It was refreshing to get out of town and have time to relax and enjoy being on vacation.  We’re back in Columbia now, but having a weekend to recharge has already energized me for what I hope will be a productive couple of days before relaxing again with family for Thanksgiving.

I don’t know what your week holds, but take some time to rest so that you can finish the semester well when you get back.  Happy Thanksgiving!

-Abbey Le Roy


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