The Sad Semester’s End

They have finished their impossible Hermeneutics Final Project. Overdue assignments and research papers are destroyed! Freedom is here! CIU students frolic in the streets. Professors prance in the meadows while whooping and hollerin’ like maniacs. Some scandalous students may even dance with joy while chugging down a root beer or ginger ale!

The fall semester is over. Students and professors create fun memories with family and old friends during the Christmas break, but one thing will be missing during their Christmas break: their CIU friends. 

Leaving CIU’s campus shows you how much you really love CIU.  You begin to miss the atmosphere of CIU. You miss your friends, professors, and all of the adventures that you experience with these awesome people. You miss these things because CIU is like your new “home” and your friends are like your new “family.” At the end of the semester, students will be ready to leave the tough schoolwork of CIU. But in the middle of Christmas break, they’ll be ready to return. They’ll be ready to hang out with their friends where they can laugh in the cafeteria. They’ll miss talking to their buddies in the student center, hanging out in the dorms, watching movies with friends, playing sports with amigos, or whatever else they do at CIU.

The end of the semester can be sad, because some friends will graduate or transfer and you’ll never see them again. But new semesters bring new opportunities with new friends, new classes, new challenges, and adventures. We can look forward to experiencing new adventures with our best friend Jesus, as he challenges us to dive into new ministry missions, new learning lessons, and fantastic friendships. And that’s not very sad at all! 

-Aaron Sobey


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