Using the Phrase “I’ve Been Busy” As an Excuse

People can use the phrase, “I’ve been busy” to excuse all sorts of behavior. A parent might give the crazy excuse, “Sorry that I never tell you that I love you. I’ve been busy.” People can apologize, “I’ve been busy. That’s why I didn’t read my Bible or pray.” People can blame the pressures of homework or jobs for why they haven’t maintained healthy friendships with family and friends.

We may even cite our hectic schedule to explain why we haven’t done our work. I myself have used this excuse recently. I graduated on May 12th from CIU, then went on a week long trip to Massachusetts, and am currently in the midst of pursuing the job or internship that God’s called me to. So I feel like I’ve said, “I’m too busy. I don’t have time to write for the CIU blog.”

But this is why I’m glad that God doesn’t operate the same way as we do. He doesn’t tell us when we pray, “Sorry, I’m too busy to hear your voice. Can’t you see that I’m running the whole universe here? I’ll listen and answer your request in five years or so.” Wouldn’t that be crazy if God used busyness as an excuse?

I know that His power is infinite, while ours is finite. But I’m so grateful that Jesus isn’t too busy to hear about my worries and cares (1 Peter 5:7). God doesn’t give excuses, because He’s faithful when we are unfaithful (2 Timothy 2:13). We may be tempted to use busyness as an excuse to stop doing what God wants us to do, but let’s not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9-10). Let’s remember His faithfulness and depend upon His power to do what’s right. God’s not too busy for us, so we shouldn’t be too busy to do what’s right. We can’t use the excuse, “I’ve been busy,” to apologize for our inability to spend time with Him. He’s worthy of every second we spend with Him, so let’s not be too busy to read the Bible and pray. 

-Aaron Sobey



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