What I have.

I’m doing this list because I’m trying to look at what I DO have, instead of envying what others have.

I have a God that loves me, no matter how bad I mess up.

I have a wonderful, loving, and Godly family that teaches me right from wrong.

I have a roof over my head.

I have clothes to wear.

I have a car to drive that is in good condition.

I have wonderful friends.

I have a wonderful church at home AND in Columbia.

I have a wonderful school community that loves God and seeks His will every day.

I have food to eat.

I have a body that works - meaning I’m not missing anything and nothing on my body is messed up.

I have money for school, thanks to God’s provision!

I have everything I need, and also quite a few things I’ve wanted.

I have a phone that works, well most of the time :)

I have the freedom to study God’s word and worship Him as well.

I have lots of music that I love to listen to.

I have gifts and talents God has given me.

I have the privilege and opportunity to go to school and God has provided for me so that I can take it.

I could go on and on, but that’s it for now.


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