Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

Bachelor of Science, Intercultural Studies, 2004, Columbia International University 

Director, New Beginnings

Bistrita, Romania

“Mommy, Daddy, I love you.”

Nearly 20 formerly-neglected Romanian children are now able to say those words to their foster parents. The ministry New Beginnings was there to make it happen.    

The mission of New Beginnings is to hire Christian Romanian couples to care for the emotional, mental, and most importantly, spiritual needs of abandoned Romanian children. Through this ministry, I am able to see God use me in the lives of children and adults alike as I work closely with them in Sunday school classes and Bible studies. Our prayer is that these families provide a warm, loving home for children to grow and mature into Christian adults.

New Beginnings Romania is an outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel Boise in Boise, Idaho, and is a recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) in Romania chartered specifically to minister to orphaned and abandoned children. In the eight years that New Beginnings has been ministering in Romania, many lives have been touched with the love of God.

We have an additional goal to plant churches in Romania where the children and their foster parents study the Bible, develop their personal relationship with Christ, and fellowship with other believers.

What a privilege it is to witness the grace of God at work in the lives of these children as they transition from being neglected by their birth parents, fostered by Christian parents, and accepted by the perfect Father.  

Each time we hear one of them say, “I love you,” we are reminded of the eternal significance of our work.