Recent CIU alumni: Making Christ known in ministry and the marketplace

Recent CIU alumni: Making Christ known in ministry and the marketplace

CIU alumni John and Abby Harrell
Kyle Jones

CIU alumnus Kyle Jones, owner of KJ Films (Photos by CIU Student Photographer Caleb Pringle)

Recent graduates offer advice in panel discussion

By Naomi Balk

CIU student writer

Kyle Jones just graduated from Columbia International University last May. But as a budding entrepreneur, he had the attention of the CIU student body.

“Take nothing for granted,” said Jones, owner of KJ Films in Columbia. “Pay attention to what professors are teaching … and make the most of your connections and relationships,” was also his advice.  

Jones joined other recent alumni on the stage of Shortess Chapel in a panel discussion hosted by CIU community relations officer Niki McIntosh, herself a recent alumna.

McIntosh queried her fellow alumni who are at the forefront of professional marketplace and ministry endeavors.   

Daniel Stevanus who graduated in 2009 is a youth pastor at Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church in Lexington, South Carolina and has been making Christ known by applying what he learned at CIU.

“The biggest thing is how we have been influenced and discipled here and to turn that around and apply it,” Stevanus said.

Caleb Hankin, a teacher at Freedom Christian Academy in Fayetteville, North Carolina has been using his third grade classroom as a venue to be a light for Christ.

“I know Christ called me there,” said Hankin, a 2013 graduate. “I feel like God has called me to help kids know the word of God.”

John and Abby Harrell, who graduated in 2015 are headed to Southeast Asia next spring to make Christ known where there is little gospel light. 

“CIU taught us the essentials of the gospel and what really matters and how to have a deep personal relationship with God,” John Harrell said. “When it comes to reaching other people, the important thing is that they get to know Jesus.”

Abby Harrell added that knowing Christ and making him known means “fostering a deep relationship with Christ to be strong so we can represent him in a place that is spiritually hostile to Christ.”

All around the world in different settings, recent CIU alumni are applying what they have learned at their alma mater.  

“Seek the Lord in anything you desire,” said Hankin, the school teacher. “God has a perfect plan.”

Where is God leading you to serve? Check out CIU’s undergraduate, graduate, seminary and online programs. Excitement is building on the CIU campus with a dramatic increase in enrollment and on-campus expansion. Information on enrollment is available here or call (800) 777-2227, ext. 5024.