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Walter Smiechewicz
Walter Smiechewicz

Master of Divinity, 1992, Columbia International University 

Managing Director, Price Waterhouse Cooper

Los Angeles, CA

Even full-time professionals can have an impact in the world – that’s something I’ve learned since graduating from Columbia International University. I am a managing director for an auditing consultant in Los Angeles. My background helps me know and understand a company’s governance and risks. More importantly, my business experience has tremendously helped me in ministry.

My wife and I served in India for two years after I graduated from CIU. While we were there, we developed a series of training programs for village clergy and later wrote a small book titled “Discipleship Training Manual Written for Pastors and Lay Leaders in India.” While those two years in India were fruitful, I believe that God is using us now, more than ever, to make an impact.

My wife and I now support Indian churches both financially and through ministry training. As we give them money, we keep them accountable by training them to budget and keep a ministry log. Pastors are required to give a measurable percentage of what we give them to the poor – this includes time and money. In addition, we have seen several churches planted by a church we started when we lived in India. 

The cross-cultural focus at CIU helped me in business and in ministry. There is a culture in every company which guides its thinking and decision-making. And I have been challenged personally to live internationally – to be involved in what God is doing around the world – even though I live in the United States. In fact, I’ve seen God use the business skills He’s given me to use me in India in a way I wouldn’t have been used without those abilities. As I share my experiences, I have noticed an interest among other professionals who want to be involved in similar ministries, but never knew it was possible. It has been quite an adventure to watch how God can use anyone, anywhere if they are willing to yield their gifts and dreams to His purposes.




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