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Women’s soccer “up to the tasks” on mission trip

Locking arms in prayer with the competition.

August 12, 2022

No task was too small nor too hard for the Columbia International University women’s soccer team on a summer’s mission trip to Costa Rica. The 18 women, along with three coaches, a trainer and CIU Athletics Director Darren Ritchie, dug trenches, served at an orphanage, planted trees, mowed grass, cleaned cars and houses — and yes, they also hosted soccer clinics, trained with a U20 club team and played the U20 Costa Rican National Team.

Head Coach Kara Farnsworth Lail’s goal for the trip was for these particular players, who have never been on a CIU mission trip as a team, to be transformed as they shared “the love of Christ … used soccer as a way to do that … and grow together as a team.”

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