C. All appeals of decisions by the Judicial Review Committee shall be made
to the dean of Student Life. The dean of Student Life’s decisions may
then be appealed to the provost. These decisions may then be appealed
to the president, who shall be the final hearing authority.
IV. Exceptional Circumstances:
The university reserves the right in exceptional circumstances, when the safety
and well-being of the student or university community is at stake, to have the dean
of Student Life, in consultation with the provost and/or the president, intervene
and resolve the matter administratively rather than through the Judicial Review
Committee. The following are examples of exceptional circumstances: the judicial
process is not functioning according to established policy; criminal activity;
significant sexual misconduct; a student’s behavior warrants a treatment program
or placement in a treatment facility; or imminent risk of harm to self or others. The
disciplinary decision may still be appealed as stated.
Disciplinary Measures
Disciplinary measures that may be imposed:
Various fines may be issued for damage to campus or residence halls, or
for certain infractions.
This is usually a work assignment. If not completed by the allotted
time, the penalty will be doubled. If the work assignment is unresolved, the
student will be placed on general warning.
When actions warrant a limitation or withdrawal of privilege, a
restriction may be imposed.
General Warning:
When conduct and/or attitude indicate a serious question
regarding spiritual maturity and personal judgment, a student may be given a
general warning. This action is a formal warning that, if ignored, leads to
character probation. Students placed on general warning may also lose their
CIU financial aid.
Formal Sanctions:
When conduct and/or attitude raise a serious question
concerning a student’s personal qualifications for ministry and/or whether
that student should continue at CIU, a formal sanction may be imposed.
Students may also lose their CIU financial aid.
- A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations.
Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the warning of
more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be in
violation of any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
Character Probation
is probation for any student based on violation
of the community standards.