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“Learning so much about the true character of God”

Macey Drye: “I have spent more time with the people on my team than anyone else at CIU, and the relationships that I have formed with my teammates I will never forget."

October 17, 2023

Macey Drye is honest about the “ups and downs” in her relationship with God during her time in college. But she quickly adds that college is a place with “experiences that are a part of growing up and discovering yourself.”

The Psychology major from South Carolina’s Upstate adds that along with discovering yourself, you also often discover different things about God that you assumed about His character are actually not correct.

“I have learned so much about the true character of God,” Drye said. “As I have experienced a lot of difficult things during my time at CIU, I have come to learn that God is not one who stops suffering, but allows us to grow through it, into a person who is greater than the one who existed before the suffering.”

She credits Psychology and Human Services professors Dr. Paula Whitaker and Dr. Sarah Thomas for assisting her in her walk with Christ, and adds that her experience as a member of the CIU Rams softball team has also had a great impact on her life.

“I have spent more time with the people on my team than anyone else at CIU, and the relationships that I have formed with my teammates I will never forget,” Drye adds. “They have pushed me to be a better person on and off the field and have walked with me through my most difficult moments.”

After graduating with her undergraduate degree in Psychology, Drye will continue on at CIU, enrolling in the Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling program. 

“With my masters, I plan to pursue a career as a school mental health counselor, ”Drye said. “I want to work with children and to be an advocate for them, leaving their lives better than when they came in my office.”

A spring 2023 student satisfaction survey identified the factor most important to CIU students and CIU’s top strength as “My relationship with God has been strengthened.” 

CIU is celebrating 100 years of its mission to “educate people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ.” The university consistently ranks among the Top Regional Universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report, as well as a Best Value Regional University in the South. Apply now or request information on enrollment by contacting Admissions at (803) 807-5024 or         

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