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What a Weekend of Welcome!

Celebrating with a Hawaiian Luau. (Photo by Macey Drye, CIU student photographer)

August 30, 2023

By Jenea Bradshaw, CIU Student Writer

After the hard work of moving the freshman class of 2027 into their new home away from home in the CIU residence halls, it was time for a good time as Welcome Weekend 2023 got underway.  

With temperatures reaching the 90s in the afternoon, the evening's Luau Party, brought several beach-themed refreshments and activities such as delicious “mocktails,” squirt gun battles, and countless sets of beach volleyball on the new sand court. Students turned out in bright Hawaiian shirts and put on colorful leis, engaging in conversations and island fun even after sunset.

The evening finished with a limbo contest where Tiara Battermann was crowned the winner in a beautiful white flower lei.

"I love moments of hype, little competitions, and people coming together to celebrate,” Batterman said. “This is a celebration of the new year to come and has really helped put me in a positive mindset for things to come.”

The weekend of fun and recreation continued with several activities throughout Friday, including a couple rounds of Capture the Flag. Saturday featured a Just Dance Party in the C23 Game Room and lawn games in the Quad. That evening, several students arrived at the Moore Fitness Center for an intense Neon Dodgeball tournament where students wore glowsticks in a dimly lit gymnasium and faced off to the last person or team standing.

After such a fun-filled and activity-packed weekend, many welcomed the peace of Sunday morning and afternoon to enjoy a Sabbath rest. A worship night in Hoke Auditorium featured the band East Wind performing several soul-stirring songs with students singing along. Dr. Michelle Raven, assistant dean of spiritual formation, concluded the weekend by praying over the entire student body to go forth this semester with courage and strength in the Lord, taking inspiration from Joshua 1:9, CIU’s theme verse for the academic year:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

CIU consistently ranks among the Top Regional Universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report, as well as a Best Value Regional University in the South. Apply now or request information on enrollment by contacting Admissions at (803) 807-5024 or     

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