Are you with me?

Have you ever been so excited about something that you wanted to tell everyone you knew? You got the job, you passed the course, you got married, you had your first child?
And have you ever started to tell someone who obviously didn't want to hear about it? Either they genuinely weren't interested, or they were at a spot that made it hard for them to hear about your joy?
I was having lunch with a friend today, and as I talked through this, Galatians 6:2 came to mind: "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." The word used here for 'bear' means to lift, carry or support. 'Burden' here is not necessarily negative; this could be the job hire that I mentioned earlier!
To bear each other's burdens means to support others in the bad times and the good. We are called to mourn with those who mourn; aren't we also to celebrate with those who are joyful?! I feel extremely valued when someone takes time to hear about me personally and then is excited WITH me!
How can you better celebrate victories in your friends' lives this week?
-Alex Dugas


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