Chaotic, Crazy, Cool Residence Life Meetings

You are sitting with friends. You are sitting near your neighbors, the hermits who never leave their dorm rooms. You don’t want to be here. You have studying to do. There’s a football game on that you’ve been fantasizing about all day. You’d rather be goofing off with friends, than be sitting here in the Shortess Chapel. But this is mandatory. It’s a Residence Life meeting.

Craziness is all around you. Footballs and Frisbees are being thrown across the room. Everybody is yelling unintelligible sounds. These sounds might be war cries.  These noises may be feminine cheers. These sounds may be actual English words. No one knows. You don’t know why some men are dressed in odd brightly colored shirts. You don’t understand why some guys are dressed like frat boys. You’re perplexed by the outfits of the women around you. These women are wearing the slick sunglasses, the polo shirts, and the khaki shorts that jocks wear. You never received the memo. You didn’t know that the words “Residence Life Meeting” are code for “Costume Party”.  

Eventually the craziness dies down. Mike Thompson, the legendary leader and director of Residence Life, establishes order in the chaos. You, the dorm dweller, appreciate the announcements and updates from Mike Thompson. Mike Thompson’s announcements help students avoid fines and help everyone get on the same page. As the Residence Life meeting comes to a close, you realize that you’ll probably forget these announcements. But the chaotic, crazy, and cool noises and costumes will be glued to your memory. The next time a Residence Life meeting rolls around the chaotic, crazy, cool atmosphere will afflict you with amnesia. You’ll forget your excuses and you’ll actually want to be there.  

-Aaron Sobey


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