My Freshman Transformation

This morning was the first time all season that I actually felt like it was fall. You probably also experienced the cooler temperatures! The beginning of fall ushers in sweet memories of my first semester of college three years ago.


That first semester was transformative for me. It was the first time I had a roommate, lived on a hall of twenty five girls and experienced Christian community in the realest way I ever had. I pulled my first pranks. I began to have a daily time with the Lord. I met people who today are my deepest confidants; I met the man who is today my fiancé. I grew in my walk with the Lord as I began to better understand His will for me and His desire to see the world know Him personally. I had sweet times with Him in the prayer towers, I was challenged by speakers in chapel, and my mind was blown away by God’s truth in the classroom.


I struggled with God as well. I was faced with the hard question: Am I truly surrendered to the Lord in every area of my life? I asked Him to show me my place, my gifts, my individual purpose. I changed my major and got involved in new ministries. I took six steps forward and two steps back.


At the time, I felt incredibly overwhelmed by the changes. Looking back, I am so thankful that the Lord used that first semester to get me on board with Him. As a freshman RA now, I look at my girls and see them experiencing some of the same things that I did. My challenge and encouragement to them? Go with it. Give the Lord space to work in your life. Daily recommit yourself to Him. I’m confident that four years from now you’ll look back and see things more clearly…and praise our Father in response.

-Alex Dugas


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